Saturday, 9 August 2014

Eisteddfod Success

What a week it’s been! Despite predictions of dire weather at the start of the week the sun has shone on Llanelli and the second Eisteddfod held here since the year 2000 has been judged a bone fide success.

I would like to thank everyone involved (literally everyone) be they county councillors, town councillors the mayor, volunteers and so on, everyone had a role to play and played their role fantastically.

It was great to see crowds walking around the Maes with a beaming smiles on their faces, enjoying the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that we associate with eisteddfodau. The Eisteddfod of course celebrates Wales’ language and culture. What was most encouraging (as a Welsh leaner myself) was the amount of non-Welsh speakers on the Maes. 

If we are to safeguard Wales’ treasure, her ancient language we must ensure that people are comfortable to ‘have a go’ – if possible laugh and joke while learning Welsh – I mean, does ANYONE speak perfect English? Pobody’s Nerfect as my French teacher once said! 

So again, great credit to ALL involved in making this years National Eisteddfod such a huge success. 

Fantastic effort by Plaid Llanelli. Diolch i bawb!
On a personal level it was great to see so many people wanting to share in Plaid Cymru’s ambition for a better Wales. The tent was packed to the rafters day after day.


1 comment:

  1. Yes a great Eisteddfod, well attended, Your stall did seem very busy! The others seemed empty. Good luck.
