Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Arhoswch yn dlawd, cadwch yn dawel ac yn enw'r Tad byddwch yn ufudd!

Arhoswch yn dlawd, cadwch yn dawel ac yn enw'r Tad byddwch yn ufudd!

Wel dyna ni - dyna neges 'ysbrydoledig' y pleidiau Llundeinig... dydw i ddim yn gwrando!

Oes rhywun wedi holi pam ein bod ni mor dlawd yng Nghymru?
Pam fod lefelau tlodi mor uchel?
Pam fod 15% o'n pobl ifanc yn cael eu dwyn i fyny mewn tlodi enbyd?
Pam fod 200,000 o'n plant yn byw mewn tlodi yn gyffredinol? Nghymru mae 700,000 o'r boblogaeth yn byw mewn tlodi allan o 3,000,000 yn unig - hynny ydy 23% o'r holl boblogaeth, ychydig llai na 25%.

Pam ydy Cymru, cenedl a oedd yn gyfoethog ac yn boddi gan 'glo du' mor dlawd? Y rheswm ydy bod y glo fel y cyfalaf a adeiladwyd ar gefnau y dosbarth gweithiol wedi llifo allan o Gymru i bocedi pobl eraill.

Pam fod rhannau o Gymru ymysg y tlotaf yn Ewrop oll?
Os rhywun wedi holi pam?
Oes hawl gyda ni hyd yn oed i holi yn y lle cyntaf?
A oes hawl gyda ni i gredu mewn Cymru well, cenedl deg a chyfartal heb ofyn caniatad Llundain yn gyntaf?

Mae lefelau tlodi ymysg plant a phobl ifanc yn uwch yng Nghymru nag unrhyw rhan arall o Brydain yn

ôl yr elusen Achub y Plant. Mae 1 ym mhob tri (pobl ifanc) mewn teulu sydd gydag incwm 60% yn is na chyfartaledd y DU, mae hyn yn cymharu

â 27% ar draws rhanbarthau eraill. Mae'r cyfoeth i gyd wedi aros yn Ne-Ddwyrain Lloegr ar draul Cymru a'i phobl.
Chafwyd fawr o son am Gymru yn Araith y Frenhines. Araith 'Un Genedl' oedd hi - ac i fod yn deg araith felly oedd hi, yr unig genedl oedd Lloegr. Nid oes gan y Toriaid unrhyw weledigaeth dros Gymru ac yn wir mae llai fyth o weledigaeth gan y Blaid Lafur. Yn ol Llafur mae'n haws beio pobl eraill am eu methiannau hwy. Nid yw cyfrifoldeb a Llafur yn ffrindiau mawr - boed yn ffrindiau o gwbl. Hyderaf nad bai Liam Byrne oedd ysgrifennu'r nodyn enwog yno o'r Trysorlys ond roedd bai ar yr ysgrifbin oherwydd roedd inc ynddo. Mae rhannu o Gymru wedi rhoi eu ffydd yn y Blaid Lafur ers 90 o flynyddoedd, ac i beth? Mae rhan o'r ardaloedd rheini ymysg y tlotaf yn Ewrop heb son am Gymru. Dydy pleidiau Llundain ddim yn poeni dim am Gymru. A dweud y gwir dadlaf fod bodolaeth Cymru yn niwsans ac yn embaras iddynt heb son am y nashis yno sy'n mynnu dyfodol gwell a theg dros Gymru. 

So no, I won't stay poor, silent or obedient. It's time for us to 'man up' in Wales, raise our voices and be heard or go out with a pathetic whimper.

Beth am ychydig o weledigaeth! Beth am weithio gyda'n gilydd er mwyn tyfu a datblygu ein heconomi. Beth am fuddsoddi yn ein pobl. Beth am sicrhau fod Cymru'n cael ei hariannu'n deg? Beth am sicrhau'r dechreuad gorau posibl i'n bobl ifanc?

stay poor, stay silent and for God sake stay obedient! poor, stay silent and for God sake stay obedient!

The dictat from London has arrived... I'm not listening!

Has anybody actually asked why we're so poor here in Wales?
Why are our levels of poverty so high?
Why do 15% of our youngsters grow up in severe poverty?
Why do 200,000 children live in some form of poverty?

In Wales 700,000 people live in poerty out of a population of just 3,00,000 - I make that a whopping 23% of the population of Wales, just short of a quarter.

Why is Wales, a nation once rich in black gold so poor? Is it because the coal like the wealth built on the backs of the workers went to destination elsewhere?

Why are parts of our nation amongst the poorest in the whole of Europe?
Has anyone asked why?
Are we allowed to ask why?
Are we allowed to believe in a better future for our nation or do we need to ask for London's permission?

Wales has the highest percentage of children in poverty in the UK, according to Save the Children.
One in three are in a family whose income is 60% below the UK average, compared to 27% across all regions. The wealth is maintained in the south-east of England at the expense of Wales, we're stifled out in the west - out of sight and very much out of mind.
Wales got barely a mention in the Queens Speech. The One Nation speech did indeed speak to One Nation - England. The Tories have no vision for Wales, Labour have even less vision for Wales. They don't want extra powers to be devolved as its easier to blame others. Labour and responsibilty don't go hand in hand, it's easier to play the victim - blame 'them'. I'm sure it wasn't Liam Byrne's fault for writing his infamous note "I'm afraid there's no money left - kind regards and good luck." - it was probably the fault of the biro for having ink in it. of Wales have voted Labour for over 90 years, and look at where that has got them? Some of them are the poorest parts of Europe let alone Wales! The London parties don't care about Wales - I'd argue our very existance bemuses them, our lack of willingness to be silenced - our fight to exist and to indeed want a better future.

So no, I won't stay poor, silent or obedient. It's time for us to 'man up' in Wales, raise our voices and be heard or go out with a pathetic whimper.

Let's have some ambition. Lets work together to grow our economy and develop our youngsters. Lets invest in our people. Ensure fair funding for Wales! Ensure our children has the best start in life!

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Fear and panic - Labour's 'vision'

Fear and panic – all Labour has to offer.

Be afraid, be very afraid! (this clip is always worth a watch!)

Today I read an extract from an article by Gerry Holtham. It’s content is very interesting indeed (please see the link at the bottom of the page for more details). Holtham states that Labour:

“played on public fears for the National Health Service but said nothing positive about how it would actually tackle the service’s manifold problems on a tight budget. It complained about poverty and inequality but presented no credible prospectus for their solution apart from a couple of patently, indeed risibly, inadequate tax changes.”

I agree 100% with his comments. Labour’s message in Llanelli and across large parts of Wales was “we’re not the Tories.” They offered nothing. Equally, looking at Labour’s voting record would suggest they are merely a poor copy of the Tory Party – extremely similar platform policy.

The Better Together organisation in Scotland employed the same tactics – it seems that winning votes and ‘ruling’ by fear is the norm for the British state and her parties. At one stage it suggested people living in an independent Scotland would starve and not be able to use mobile phones - perhaps they could have eaten their phones?!

And it was from the indy campaign that we heard the WORST campaign slogan ever - off Labour "if you don't know, vote no!"

Labour did indeed complain about poverty – it voted for £30bn of Tory cuts on 13.1.15 and in favour of the Welfare Cap which risks pushing ‘345,000 additional children into poverty across the UK’ according to the distinguished charity Save the Children.

Equally Wales is chronically underfunded and has been for some time. We receive £1.2bn less per head of population than Scotland. Imagine the difference this could make to vital services in Wales. If it's good enough for Scotland it's good enough for Wales! In addition, the Tories slashed £1.5bn from the Welsh budget since 2010 and if Labour had been returned on May 7th they would have cut £1.2bn from the Welsh budget according to the IFS.

And in 2020... I can safely predict is already the same nonsensical rambling and manta – vote Labour to keep the Tories OUT. I’d argue strongly, vote Labour to keep the Tories and their policies IN! (equally the people of Llanelli did vote Labour but ended up with the Tories anyway – this was also the case in 2010!).

Political parties used to offer people hope and a vision. Now they say simply "we're not as bad as them." - The best worst option. 

As I’ve said on many occassion, we need a politics of hope over fear and ambition over despair.

Monday, 18 May 2015

I'r chwith neu i'r dde?

I'r chwith neu i'r dde?

Cwestiwn digon syml - ateb syml? Yn sgil canlyniadau trychinebus y Blaid Lafur yn yr etholiad a welwyd y Blaid honno yn colli tir, mae llawer yn pendroni ynglyn a chyfeiriad Llafur, beth nesaf - i'r chwith neu i'r dde?

Cafodd Ed Miliband ei feirniadu am fod yn rhy adain chwith. Ie, rhy adain chwith! Ar 13.1.2015 pleidleisiodd Lafur o dan ei arweinyddiaeth o
blaid £30bn o doriadau Toriaid. Ar ben hyn pleidleision nhw o blaid y Cap Budd-daliadau a fydd, yn ol Achub y Plant yn "rhoi 345,000 o blant ychwanegol mewn risg o dlodi dros y bedair blynedd nesaf."

A oes rhaid i ni son am y 'cwpan mewnfudo'? Ie, y cwpan yna! Wel dw i wedi son amdano felly dyma lun yn arbennig! Mwynhewch.

Wrth i bethau gwaethygu'n ariannol mae'n drist, ac yn wir anfaddeuol fod Llafur yn cefnogi y Cap Budd-daliadau a gwastraffu £100bn ar arfau niwclear dinistriol megis Trident. Rwyf wedi herio ASau Llafur sydd o blaid adnewyddu Trident i ddod am daith efo fi i un o'r banciau bwyd ac egluro wrth y werin pam eu bod o blaid gwario ar ladd yn hytrach na gwella bywydau pobl.

Er yr holl bolisiau yma - mae rhai yn ystryried Miliband yn rhy adain chwith. Fel person sydd yn gwrthwynebu Trident gan ei fod yn wastraff arain, yn erbyn y Cap Budd-daliadau sydd yn anfoesol a llymder gan ei fod yn 'con' - mae'n gas gen i feddwl ble ydw i ar y sbectrwm gwleidyddol yn ol Llafur!

Mae Llafur wedi cefnu ar y chwith, mae'r Blaid honno wedi gadael pleidleiswyr dosbarth gweithiol Cymru er mwyn serchu pleidleiswyr dosbarth canol Lloegr. Maen nhw'n cytuno cymaint a'r Toriaid. Rhaid gofyn y cwestiwn - beth ydy pwrpas y Blaid Lafur? S'dim gwahaniaeth - boed yn adain chwith neu dde.

Left or Right?

Left or Right?

A simple question – a simple answer? Following a disastrous election campaign which actually saw Labour making net losses overall, party grandees are wondering what next – left or right?

Ed Miliband was criticised for being too left wing? Yes, you read that correctly – too left wing! On the 13.1.2015 Labour under the leadership of Miliband voted for £30bn of Tory cuts. They also voted for the Welfare Cap which according to save the children “risks a further 345,000 children being pushed into poverty over the next four years.”

UKIP - erm, Labour offical merchandise!
Do we need to mention Labour’s immigration mug? Yes, that mug. And I have mentioned it so here’s a picture! Enjoy.

At a time of such poverty it’s sad, and indeed tragic that not only did Labour support Tory cuts and the Tory Welfare Cap they also support wasting £100bn on weapons of death such as Trident. I cordially invite any Labour MP in favour of Trident to attend a food-bank with me and explain why they support spending on death and not hope.

Despite these policies – Miliband was viewed as being left-wing. As a person who opposes Trident as a disgraceful waste of money, the Welfare Cap immoral and austerity on the grounds that its a con – I dread to think where I (along with many) would be placed!

Labour has given up on the left, it’s abandoned the working-class voters of Wales in order to flirt shamlessly with the middle-class voters of England. They agree with the Tories on so many issues – the question surely is, what’s the point of Labour? Regardless of left or right.