Sunday, 18 January 2015

Labour Llanelli MP voted WITH Tories AND UKIP for £30bn of CUTS!

Labour Llanelli MP Nia Griffith voted with UKIP for £30bn of cuts proposed by the Tories.

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Disappointment has been expressed following the approval of the UK Government's 'Charter for Budget Responsibility' which will bind the next Westminster Government to billions of pounds of further austerity.

On Tuesday 13th January, all of the London-controlled parties voted together for £30bn worth of cuts to our public services over the next five years.

The vast majority of Labour MP's including Llanelli's Labour MP voted WITH the Tory-led UK Government. The motion was passed by 515 votes to 18. I am very proud to say that Plaid Cymru chose the side of the people against the side of the Tories. Labour is now truly seen for what it is, an extension of the Conservative Party. In fact could they form a grand coalition following May’s election?

The vote can be viewed here...

There is no doubt that austerity has failed the people of Wales. We have seen a substantial increase in the use of food banks in recent years. How many more people will be impacted upon by this immoral vote? Did Labour MP’s especially, consider the lives that this vote will damage? Did they give the people a second thought?

Why as usual is it the poorest and most vulnerable in our society paying for the greed of the rich? Many people across the Llanelli Constituency will have to decide between heating and eating this winter. We are regressing as a society!

Labour of course has a proud track record of voting with their Conservative friends. They both supported the Welfare Cap. According to Save the Children, the welfare cap will push 345,000 children into poverty in four years.

Labour is signing up to the Tories' ideological strategy. They are playing with people’s lives. 

This was a significant vote which proved that Labour MPs from Wales make their decisions based on orders from London, rather than on the needs of their constituents.
It shows nothing short of a betrayal of some of our nation’s most vulnerable people by a Labour party who has now totally turned its back on the people it once claimed to represent. We deserve better as a nation.

I urge voters to ask the Llanelli MP – how in good conscience she could walk shoulder to shoulder with the Conservatives and vote for more of the same – more panic, fear, heartache and pain. 

It’s time we rejected austerity. Time we backed the people! Invested in infrastructure, scrap Trident (which is a pathetic immoral waste of money, which Labour and their Tory friends support) and introduced a Robin Hood Tax. Austerity is damaging the many and benefiting the few. Why are bankers still receiving bonuses while the people of Llanelli and beyond freeze or go hungry? 

Embedded image permalinkIt's time for a progressive alternative. Let's put people before profit, protect the weak from the strong, the poor from the rich and spend our money for hope not fear, belief not despair and life not death. Let's build a new Llanelli, let's build a new Wales. Let's put Llanelli before London! Let's make a real difference on May 7th!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that attract others, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.
