At the age of 33 - I've done my fair share of jobs. I currently work as a secondary school teacher (teaching Welsh) although my previous jobs have been varied my job prior to teaching was as a Deep Cleaner in 2007 at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor (formally North West Wales NHS Trust now called the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board).
My first job was as a paperboy. It was a job that paid pocket money. I enjoyed the paper-round very much - I would dart around with the papers then off to school - I always hated Sunday's as the bag would weigh a ton. Monday's however the bag was featherweight.
From there I went on to work at the local Iceland supermarket as a till operative. Officially I was a till operative, but as many will tell you who've worked in supermarkets you quickly become a jack of all trades and have to slot in and do whatever is asked of you. I worked at Iceland during my time in the local college.
On leaving college I worked at Stena Line as a dockside worker. I loved my time at Stena Line. I really did. It was while at Stena I learnt the value of working together - with others, of presenting a united front and being part of a team. We had 3 teams of 20 men and all worked together in a spirit of friendship and unity.
I worked at Stena Line throughout my time at university - after all not all of us are born with golden spoons in our mouths - I realised that I would have to earn my keep while studying.
On graduating I was unable to find work - as is the case for many nowadays. Eventually I saw a job advertised for a Deep Cleaner at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor. I remembered the words of my Nain who lost her husband in 1974 and worked as a cleaner herself raising my aunties and uncles "we're a working class family, NEVER be too proud to do any job - roll up your sleeves and work."
Having worked in the health service, I therefore recognise the importance and strongly believe passionately in the values and principles of our treasured NHS.
Therefore that's what I did. I've seen the other side of the coin - what it is to be looked down on by men and women in suits. Trying to find loose change down the back of the sofa in order to buy a bottle of milk or some bread for the week ahead.
I feel many politicians in Westminster today haven't seen the real world. They lack empathy and compassion.
Seeing hardworking people like myself and others struggle further instilled my passionate belief in fairness and equality. After watching Question Time (years and years of it) I decided rather than shouting from the sidelines I would stand - put my money where my mouth is and try to make a real difference for all our people. I am proud to be of working class stock. My socialist roots have given me a solid grounding in life and a belief that should always protect socieities most vulnerable. Protecting the weak from the strong and the poor from the powerful. But not just stopping there - carrying on the raise living standards here in Llanelli and wider a field with a living wage - driving up standards rather than a sad race to the bottom where everyone loses out!
During this campaign I have been called, false, deluded and idiotic (so far these insults have ALL come from only one party - and it ain't the Tories!) - insults I can grin and bare - the reality is that it is NEVER deluded and idiotic to believe that everyone in society is of equal value - my life is no more or less important than anyone else's.
In 2008, after saving money - I applied to Aberystwyth University to undertake the PGCE Teacher Training course - I loved it. On completing the course I was appointed full time teacher of Welsh. I believe that together, we can, we must and we will create a fairer society. A future based on hope not fear, opportunity not dejection and belief not despair! Let's work together for a brighter future!
My mamgu lost her husband when he had a sudden stroke back in 1974. She raised the children (my mother being one of 6) on her OWN. She worked as a CLEANER by the way - does that sound like a TV audition to you? It sounds to me like a working person doing their best for their family - it sounds like human life - it sound's like NORMALITY!
Over the past few months I and the Plaid Cymru team in Llanelli have been called all sorts - especially the Plaid Ifanc team - so I would like to say to all those who've attacked any of us on a personal basis - smile - it's more fun than frowning. Best wishes.
Great read Vaughn
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work and whatever happens in May please keep going,politics at any level need level headed,honest people who believe in what they are doing and that have the courage to stand up for people in society who need support
to many times over the last few years this Country has had the "i'm alright jack"attitude,this has to stop and we need our "leaders"to be chalenged and get them to realise why they are in these positions and what there responsibilities are,
Well done and thankyou