Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd a dymuniadau gorau ar gyfer 2015. Mae wedi bod yn flwyddyn fawr. Cwrdd â chymaint o bobl newydd. Diolch i bobl wych Llanelli am estyn croeso cynnes. A diolch o galon i dîm ymroddedig gwych y Blaid. Ymlaen yn hyderus ar hyd y llwybr serth!

Happy New Year to you all and very best wishes for 2015. It's been a big year. I've met so many fantastic people. A huge thanks to the kind people of Llanelli for such a warm welcome. And a heartfelt thanks to the brilliant Plaid team. The path may be narrow and steep but we walk it together with confidence.


Monday, 29 December 2014

Christmas and New Year!

My wonderful nephew Troy.
Christmas,  when family calls! Here are a few snaps! Hope everyone had a great one. 
2015 is around the corner... best wishes, health and happiness to you all. ☺

Shocking Christmas jumper, sorry!

Beautiful 11 month old Paige.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Credit to the youth - Wales' greatest asset!

It was great to see the youngsters in Llanelli getting the credit they truly deserve! The Daily Wales website published a tremendous story regarding the launch of Plaid Ifanc's website. The youngsters in Llanelli are tremendous - I can only pay credit and heap praise on them for the work they do!

The EXCELLENT youth team! YMLAEN
As I’ve said in the past – Wales’ greatest asset is our young people. Their hard work and dedication has been nothing short of amazing and many people have commented on seeing youngsters at the Plaid Cymru stall in town. Credit indeed for you all, and well deserved too!

With young people like this, who demand a fairer, brighter and stronger future for Llanelli and Wales – the future really is bright!


New website launched as support for Plaid Youth rises

By Daily Wales correspondent
The influence of the Scottish Referendum is viewed as a driving force behind the recent upsurge in support for Plaid’s youth group.
It has seen the recent launch of a new Plaid Ifanc Youth website, the forming of a new Llanelli branch and groups throughout Wales starting to be reestablished.
Around 80 people have joined the society in Aberystwyth University and online support is continuing to grow. The organisation will also be holding its first national conference in March 2015.
Emyr Gruffydd, a spokesperson for Plaid Youth, said:
“Following the inspiring developments in Catalonia and Scotland, we simply can’t continue to stand idly without providing a real alternative for Wales’ youth.
“The problems we face as a society are monumental, and the solutions must therefore be radical.
“We hope that Plaid Cymru Youth’s growing profile will attract young people to build a national movement, focused on achieving national liberation and social justice.”
Despite only having been launched a month ago, the new branch in Llanelli has already become a familiar sight in the town centre with members running a Saturday stall (pictured above).
The chair of the branch is Brett John, who hit the headlines earlier this year when he single-handedly set-up a Question Time debate at his school, Coedcae Comprehensive in Llanelli.
He said:
“I have only been involved in Plaid Cymru for around five months; and even during that time, I’ve witnessed the increased support and interest in the party, and what it stands for.
“In my constituency, Llanelli, we set up a Plaid Cymru Ifanc branch, which has been very useful to help us further engage with the youth; listening what they have to say.
“I believe they admire that we do want to hear them, rather than looking at, as other parties do, a ‘target audience’ – that being when you’re above the age when you can strike a cross on a ballot paper.
“The support we’ve had back for doing so has been remarkable – already resulting in around 13 members; eager to make a difference, eager to fight for a stronger voice for Llanelli – a Plaid Cymru voice.”
The lowering of the voting age to 16 in the Scottish Referendum helped to engage young people with politics. The 16-24 age group voted in favour of independence with 51 percent choosing the ‘yes’ option.
The Plaid Ifanc website can found here and the group can be followed onFacebook and Twitter.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

From cleaner to candidate

At the age of 33 - I've done my fair share of jobs. I currently work as a secondary school teacher (teaching Welsh) although my previous jobs have been varied my job prior to teaching was as a Deep Cleaner in 2007 at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor (formally North West Wales NHS Trust now called the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board). first job was as a paperboy. It was a job that paid pocket money. I enjoyed the paper-round very much - I would dart around with the papers then off to school - I always hated Sunday's as the bag would weigh a ton. Monday's however the bag was featherweight.

From there I went on to work at the local Iceland supermarket as a till operative. Officially I was a till operative, but as many will tell you who've worked in supermarkets you quickly become a jack of all trades and have to slot in and do whatever is asked of you. I worked at Iceland during my time in the local college. 

On leaving college I worked at Stena Line as a dockside worker. I loved my time at Stena Line. I really did. It was while at Stena I learnt the value of working together - with others, of presenting a united front and being part of a team. We had 3 teams of 20 men and all worked together in a spirit of friendship and unity. worked at Stena Line throughout my time at university - after all not all of us are born with golden spoons in our mouths - I realised that I would have to earn my keep while studying. 

On graduating I was unable to find work - as is the case for many nowadays. Eventually I saw a job advertised for a Deep Cleaner at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor. I remembered the words of my Nain who lost her husband in 1974 and worked as a cleaner herself raising my aunties and uncles "we're a working class family, NEVER be too proud to do any job - roll up your sleeves and work." 

Having worked in the health service, I therefore recognise the importance and strongly believe passionately in the values and principles of our treasured ‎NHS. 

Therefore that's what I did. I've seen the other side of the coin - what it is to be looked down on by men and women in suits. Trying to find loose change down the back of the sofa in order to buy a bottle of milk or some bread for the week ahead.

I feel many politicians in Westminster today haven't seen the real world. They lack empathy and compassion.

Seeing hardworking people like myself and others struggle further instilled my passionate belief in fairness and equality.‎ After watching Question Time (years and years of it) I decided rather than shouting from the sidelines I would stand - put my money where my mouth is and try to make a real difference for all our people. I am proud to be of working class stock. My socialist roots have given me a solid grounding in life and a belief that should always protect socieities most vulnerable. Protecting the weak from the strong and the poor from the powerful. But not just stopping there - carrying on the raise living standards here in Llanelli and wider a field with a living wage - driving up standards rather than a sad race to the bottom where everyone loses out! 

During this campaign I have been called, false, deluded and idiotic (so far these insults have ALL come from only one party - and it ain't the Tories!) - insults I can grin and bare - the reality is that it is NEVER deluded and idiotic to believe that everyone in society is of equal value - my life is no more or less important than anyone else's.

In 2008, after saving money - I applied to Aberystwyth University to undertake the PGCE Teacher Training course - I loved it. On completing the course I was appointed full time teacher of Welsh. I believe that together, we can, we must and we will create a fairer society. A future based on hope not fear, opportunity not dejection and belief not despair! Let's work together for a brighter future!


I was bemused to wake up and find my life (history of it at least) being compared to a TV audition? I wonder if Rosemary a confirmed Labour supporter would suggest that all cleaners/caretakers/dockside workers etc have lives that compare to TV auditions? I suggest not. These people are the very people that make up our diverse society - they are US! 

My mamgu lost her husband when he had a sudden stroke back in 1974. She raised the children (my mother being one of 6) on her OWN. She worked as a CLEANER by the way - does that sound like a TV audition to you? It sounds to me like a working person doing their best for their family - it sounds like human life - it sound's like NORMALITY!

Over the past few months I and the Plaid Cymru team in Llanelli have been called all sorts - especially the Plaid Ifanc team - so I would like to say to all those who've attacked any of us on a personal basis - smile - it's more fun than frowning. Best wishes.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Labour Has Betrayed Its Supporters by Voting for the Welfare Cap - Labour and Tories vote TOGETHER AGAIN!

Labour Has Betrayed Its Supporters by Voting for the Welfare Cap


The real betrayal of Britain's poorest and most vulnerable people was Labour with 13 honourable exceptions - Diane Abbott, Ronnie Campbell, Katy Clark, Michael Connarty, Jeremy Corbyn, Kelvin Hopkins, Glenda Jackson, John McDonnell, George Mudie, Linda Riordan, Denis Skinner, Tom Watson and Mike Wood - who all deserve praise for actually doing what they were elected to do, Labour MPs acquiescently lined up behind the welfare cap. If an antelope feeds its calf to a lion, that's pretty shocking. Obviously Plaid Cymru MP's voted AGAINST the cap along with the 13 'real' Labour MP's.

For a party that apparently wants to cut child poverty, Labour is going a funny way about it.

According to Save the Children, the welfare cap will push 345,000 children into poverty in four years.
The measure will cap welfare spending at £119.5billion in 2015-16. Because cyclical benefits like pensions and jobseekers' allowance are excluded, Save the Children believes the £3billion in savings necessary for the government to come below this ceiling will fall disproportionately on working age benefits vital for parents.

Another group that will be hit hard will be disabled people.

In a letter praising the 13 Labour rebels for being "decent people", Merry Cross, an activist for Disabled People Against the Cuts and a leading member of Left Unity, the new party of the left in Britain, said that disabled people are feeling persecuted, having been hit by all the benefit cuts affecting non-disabled people, including sanctions, as well as those dreamt up to target them in particular.
"So in addition to everything else we are subjected to the thoroughly discredited Work Capability Assessment; the eight months wait or more for Personal Independence Payments assessments (equally flawed) and perhaps worst, the closure of the Independent Living Fund for those most in need of help to live in the community," Cross said. "Of course the welfare cap only makes matters worse, because our needs are most likely to tip our benefits payments over the top. I pity those who only wake up to the horror of all this when they become disabled themselves, through accident or illness, for horror it truly is."

"Disabled people have been attracted to Left Unity in droves because it has been serious about including us and backing our campaigns from the start," Cross added.

I recently heard from a woman named Silvia who fell ill while she was studying to be a nurse. Shortly after going for an operation, she attended an ATOS assessment. Despite still having a tube in her leg attached to a pump, she was declared fit to work and ineligible for Employment and Support Allowance. It took seven months to get the decision overturned and her money refunded, but by then it was too late. Her rent was in arrears and the bailiffs were at the door.

Labour's betrayal of impoverished parents and disabled people was designed to avoid a carefully laid trap set in Osborne's Budget last week. Labour doesn't want to appear "weak" on benefits. But in supporting the welfare cap, Labour has shown itself to be a weak opposition.

Miliband and Balls have wholly bought into the myth of scroungers round every corner. That people are claiming benefits because they're too lazy to go out and look for work. We know this to be a lie. In Dudley last week, 1,500 people queued three hours for 40 jobs at Aldi. Last year, 1,700 people applied for eight jobs at Costa. It's even not that people won't accept low-skill jobs for poverty wages. It's that the jobs aren't there.

Britain's economy may be picking up at last after three years of growth being stifled by austerity, but the recovery has not trickled down for those at the bottom of the heap.

If the government wants to bring welfare spending down, it needs to be investing in the economy and in people, not cutting vital public services.

And instead of supporting an ideologically-driven and punitive welfare cap, Labour should call for a mandatory living wage. It will lift millions out of tax credits and save £6 billion a year. Anything less is quite simply a betrayal of the people the Labour Party was founded to represent.

I am very proud that Plaid Cymru has taken an anti-austerity approach from the start. You don't create an equal society by attacking the most vulnerable. In Plaid Cymru we believe in investing in the people, boosting the economy - creating jobs by investing in infrastructure - giving people hope and ambition not gloom and despair. 

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Labour voting WITH their Tory friends!

Embedded image permalinkLabour's vote shows us the truth.

Labour and the Tories are working hand-in-hand when it comes to austerity. Ed Balls has already committed to Tory spending cut after the 2015 General Election should Labour win - yes you read that correctly.

We are now very familiar with seeing Labour and the Tories working together on a range of issues. They currently have no less than SEVEN county council coalitions with their Tory allies. They agree on Trident - wasting hundreds of billions rather than spending the very same money to help people's lives NOT end them.

They also agreed on Scotland, the Iraq War and tuition fees to name a few things.

I was saddened, but obviously not surprised to discover that the Labour Group in the National Assembly decided to vote WITH the Tories on a Plaid Cymru amendment condemning plans to freeze child benefit after the next UK election.

Plaid Cymru’s Social Protection spokesperson and Arfon MP, Hywel Williams says this shows Labour sticking to their vow – to be ‘tougher than the Tories on welfare.’
Mr Williams said:
“Over £1 billion in welfare payments has been taken out of the Welsh economy since the beginning of the Tories’ cruel assault on vulnerable people in 2010. That’s money taken from the pockets of people trying to make ends meet. But it’s also has had a knock on effect on local businesses and communities more generally.

“Wales has higher child poverty than any other part of the UK. Labour in London care little for this and have vowed to freeze child benefit levels if they win next May. Labour in Wales has now shown its true colours. They voted with the Tories supporting a freeze on child benefit. This shows they care more about obeying their bosses in London than about people in their own communities.

“The freeze has already taken £350 out of the budgets of families every year, at a time when many are struggling to meet the cost of living. That’s £130 million a year that could have contributed to eliminating child poverty in our communities.
“People in Wales should be in no doubt: Labour’s crocodile tears on welfare reform shouldn’t fool anyone. When it comes to siding with the Tories or fighting for Wales, we can now see whose side Labour is on.

We have paid enough for the greed of the bankers. They got a bail out. Payback for the people is well overdue!

It's time to put Wales first. The branch parties will always put their masters in London above the people of Wales - it's time we took our own destiny into our own hands.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Trident and tested
We all like to feel safe; nobody can deny that – it’s a basic human need. 
However, I believe that during this time of imposed austerity – supported by both Labour and their Tory friends (who of course we remember worked shoulder-to-shoulder in Scotland) it is immoral to waste billions upon billions of pounds on WMD such as Trident. 

This report from the Scottish Herald didn’t fill me with confidence. A £37 million deal has been struck by Westminster with the US government for a dozen huge new Trident missile launchers more than a year before the UK parliament decides if the nuclear weapons system should be renewed.  

The Huffington Posts headline of ‘The Government Is Sidestepping Parliament in a Push for Trident Replacement’ was even worse!

For any party to wish to waste money on WMD seems ridiculous for the reasons outlined above. Can you imagine the difference 1% of Trident spending would have on improving Wales’ economy and even Llanelli’s! Imagine the difference 100% would make – it’s a simple principle – SPEND TO SAVE LIVES NOT END THEM. It’s sad to see Labour along with their Tory friends supporting Trident. Perhaps they can explain to the people why they are putting death before decency.

This is at a time where we see and record growth in food banks, we see people having to choose between heating and eating and we see pay packets getting thinner and thinner.

We are due to spend £97 billion on new nuclear weapons at a time when public spending faces deep cuts.

Trident may be retained after Labour rejects Lib Dem idea of three nuclear subs

We should be spending these billions on people, on the poor, on our hospitals, schools and public services – we should be supporting people not paying for weapons to kill them.