Thursday, 23 October 2014

WELSH NHS under-attack - A view from a cleaner

Attack on the Welsh NHS (attack Labour not the staff).

It is NOT wrong to question Labour’s ineffectual running of the NHS here in Wales. The reality is attacking hard working staff is off limits and immoral. 

As a former cleaner at a hospital in north Wales I have seen the growth of middle-management in the NHS and believe money should be spent on patients as opposed to men in suits.
I believe that our cherished NHS has become far too bureaucratic as an institution, too much time is now spent on meeting targets and completing paperwork (rather like my current profession, teaching!)

We must never ever forget in the true values and principles of our NHS, it should be treasured by all.

Jeremy Hunt
We are now seeing the two Westminster parties setting out their stalls for the General Election in May, 2015. The Welsh NHS now seems to be centre stage!
The tragedy is this... the attacks on the Welsh NHS are blanket attacks from the Tories. This involves attacking the hardworking, dedicated staff we have all over our nation. 

I personally believe it is morally wrong to attack the staff who work so hard. What is acceptable is to attack Labour’s utter failure to run our NHS properly.

It is ironic that in England we have a Tory Party hellbent on privatising services while here in Wales we have a Labour Party hellbent on centralising services. It is also of note that it was LABOUR (the so called Party of the people) that introduced privatisation into the Health Service in the first instance – a fact Labour choose to ignore at their convenience.

Mark Drakeford
We shouldn't be talking about the possibility of losing ANY services in the Welsh NHS locally. As we know Wales is underfunded by £300m a year – it is right for Labour to attack the Tories on this issue BUT of course Labour had 13 years to secure fair funding for Wales but seemed to busy waging war in Iraq at America’s behest. 

We must respect the staff and commend them for the hard work and dedication they show. Diolch i chi oll am eich ymroddiad a'ch gwaith caled.

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