Monday, 1 September 2014

1911 Llanelli Railway Strike Commemoration (Saturday August 16th, 2014).

I was privileged and deeply humbled to have attended, and spoke during the commemoration of the 1911 Llanelli Railway Strike.

Embedded image permalinkBefore going any further I would like to thank the organisers for arranging this important event, a huge thank you from me personally and from the Plaid Cymru team here in Llanelli. Also a huge thank you to all those who attended on what was a cloudy, windy day - thankfully the rain held off and as someone predicted perhaps "God is a Socialist."

The speeches made that day where very moving. The speakers reflected on the events of 1911 and the cruelty with which both men met their fate, both very tragic stories indeed.

If you are unfamiliar with the story of what happened in Llanelli in 1911 is a fantastic website full of very useful facts and information.

As a party we felt as Plaid Cymru (as we do annually) it was only fitting to lay two wreaths, one at the grave of John 'Jac' John and the second at the grave of Leonard Worsell. Leonard's family expressed gratitude that we had placed our second wreath at his grave, strangely had we not have purchased two wreaths for the day not a single wreath would have been placed next to Leonard's grave.

Here are some extracts from my speech.

Why is it important to remember what happened? The stories of 103 years ago are relevant today, in modern-day Llanelli, Carmarthenshire and indeed across the world. 

Whether it be John 'Jac' John or Leonard Worsell injustices remain today. It is said that time is a healer, but time will never mask an injustice, time will never conceal the truth from the people.

Plaid Cymru is now the only elected party which completely rejects austerity. We have and will continue to oppose oppressive policies such as the Bedroom Tax. This unjust and unworkable policy must be scrapped. We will continue to campaign for a no-evictions policy in order to protect the most vulnerable in our society.   

The priorities of this and previous governments have been all wrong, rushing to war, wasting billions of pound to bolster America’s flagging ego. Wasting billions of pounds on weapons of mass destruction such as Trident!

Morally, we must fight injustice whatever hideous form it takes, whatever its modern name. The solidarity shown in Llanelli over a century ago is an inspiration to us all today. It drives us to fight for what is right and just. In solidarity we trust!

Once again, diolch yn fawr to the organisers. Mewn undod mewn nerth, strength in unity.

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