Sunday 22 May 2022

Cyngor Newydd New Council

The 16th of May saw the Town Council in #Holyhead sit for the first time.

The majority of members attended and Adrienne Edwards was elected Mayor for the coming year and Hywel Williams her deputy.

I look forward to working will all Councillors over the next 5 years to move Holyhead forward. 

Cyngor Newydd New Council

The 16th of May saw the Town Council in #Holyhead sit for the first time.

The majority of members attended and Adrienne Edwards was elected Mayor for the coming year and Hywel Williams her deputy.

I look forward to working will all Councillors over the next 5 years to move Holyhead forward. 

Saturday 30 April 2022


The problem of littering is still a huge issue. We volunteer do our best to sort it out. 

Let's take pride in our community.